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Android 15 (API Level 35) is still in Beta 1 phase. Some changes and APIs might not be final and are still subject to change.


Android 15 (API Level 35) introduces a class named ApplicationStartInfo that contains the information of an application process's startup.

Inside ApplicationStartInfo class, there are many valuable information concerning app's startup process that you might find useful for your use cases.


Startup Reason​

You can find out what triggered your app's startup process by using getReason() method. The method will return one of these reason codes:

START_REASON_ALARMProcess started due to alarm.
START_REASON_BACKUPProcess started to run backup.
START_REASON_BOOT_COMPLETEProcess started due to boot complete.
START_REASON_BROADCASTProcess started due to broadcast received.
START_REASON_CONTENT_PROVIDERProcess started due to access of ContentProvider.
START_REASON_JOBProcess started to run scheduled job.
START_REASON_LAUNCHERProcess started due to click app icon or widget from launcher.
START_REASON_LAUNCHER_RECENTSProcess started from launcher recents.
START_REASON_OTHERProcess started not for any of the listed reasons.
START_REASON_PUSHProcess started due to push message.
START_REASON_SERVICEProcess service started.
START_REASON_START_ACTIVITYProcess started due to Activity started for any reason not explicitly listed.

Startup State​

You can retrieve the current state of the startup process by using getStartupState() method. Depending on the state of the startup, the information that an ApplicationStartInfo instance has will be different.

STARTUP_STATE_STARTEDState indicating process startup has started. Some information is available in ApplicationStartInfo and more will be added.
STARTUP_STATE_ERRORState indicating process startup has failed. Startup information in ApplicationStartInfo is incomplete, but no more will be added.
STARTUP_STATE_FIRST_FRAME_DRAWNState indicating process startup has made it to first frame draw. Startup information in ApplicationStartInfo is complete with potential exception of fully drawn timestamp which is not guaranteed to be set.

Startup Type​

You can also retrieve the state of the app during startup by using getStartType() method. The method will return one of these type codes:

START_TYPE_COLDProcess started from scratch.
START_TYPE_HOTProcess brought back to foreground.
START_TYPE_UNSETStart type not yet set.
START_TYPE_WARMProcess retained minimally SavedInstanceState.

Note that the startup type value will be available if the startup state is STARTUP_STATE_FIRST_FRAME_DRAWN. For other states, the value is not guaranteed.

Startup Launch Mode​

Launch mode is an instruction on how the activity should be launched. Launch modes work in conjunction with activity flags in Intent objects to determine how an activity should handle an intent.

We can retrieve app's launch mode by using getLaunchMode() method. This will method will return one of these launch modes:

LAUNCH_MODE_STANDARDDefault. The system always creates a new instance of the activity in the target task and routes the intent to it.
LAUNCH_MODE_SINGLE_TOPIf an instance of the activity already exists at the top of the target task, the system routes the intent to that instance through a call to its onNewIntent() method, rather than creating a new instance of the activity.
LAUNCH_MODE_SINGLE_INSTANCEThe system creates the activity at the root of a new task or locates the activity on an existing task with the same affinity. If an instance of the activity already exists and is at the root of the task, the system routes the intent to existing instance through a call to its onNewIntent() method, rather than creating a new one.
LAUNCH_MODE_SINGLE_TASKSame as "singleTask", except that the system doesn't launch any other activities into the task holding the instance. The activity is always the single and only member of its task.
LAUNCH_MODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE_PER_TASKThe activity can only be running as the root activity of the task, the first activity that created the task, and therefore there will only be one instance of this activity in a task; but activity can be instantiated multiple times in different tasks.

Startup Timestamps​

We can also retrieve several timestamps that are relevant to app's startup process by using getStartupTimestamps() method. This method will return a Map<Integer, Long> type where the map key is one of the timestamp code value below and the map value is the timestamp (clock monotonic).

0START_TIMESTAMP_LAUNCHClock monotonic timestamp of launch started.
1START_TIMESTAMP_FORKClock monotonic timestamp of process fork.
2START_TIMESTAMP_APPLICATION_ONCREATEClock monotonic timestamp of Application onCreate called.
3START_TIMESTAMP_BIND_APPLICATIONClock monotonic timestamp of bindApplication called.
4START_TIMESTAMP_FIRST_FRAMEClock monotonic timestamp of first frame drawn.
5START_TIMESTAMP_FULLY_DRAWNClock monotonic timestamp of reportFullyDrawn called by application.
6START_TIMESTAMP_INITIAL_RENDERTHREAD_FRAMEClock monotonic timestamp of initial renderthread frame.
7START_TIMESTAMP_SURFACEFLINGER_COMPOSITION_COMPLETEClock monotonic timestamp of surfaceflinger composition complete.

Whether App Was Previously Force-Stopped​

ApplicationStartInfo class also has wasForceStopped() method that returns true if the current startup process is the app's first process launch since it was force stopped for some reason.

Basic Usages​

Getting Historical Startup Informations​

We can retrieve our application's most recent startup process by using getHistoricalProcessStartReasons() method inside ActivityManager class:

import android.content.Context
import android.util.Log

val activityManager = context.getSystemService(

val applicationStartInfos = activityManager.getHistoricalProcessStartReasons(10)
applicationStartInfos.forEach {
Log.i("reason", it.reason.toString())
Log.i("state", it.startupState.toString())
Log.i("type", it.startType.toString())
Log.i("launchMode", it.launchMode.toString())
Log.i("startupTimestamps", it.startupTimestamps.toString())
Log.i("wasForceStopped", it.wasForceStopped().toString())

Getting Current Startup Information​

We can retrieve our application's current startup process by using addApplicationStartInfoCompletionListener() method inside ActivityManager class.

In the simple example below, we add the listener inside the activity's onCreate() and remove them in onDestroy() method:

package com.hanmajid.androidnotebook

import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.os.Bundle
import android.util.Log
import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
import androidx.activity.compose.setContent
import androidx.compose.material3.MaterialTheme
import androidx.compose.material3.Surface
import androidx.compose.material3.Text
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import com.hanmajid.androidnotebook.ui.theme.AndroidNotebookTheme
import java.util.function.Consumer

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {

private lateinit var activityManager: ActivityManager
private lateinit var applicationStartInfoCompletionListener: Consumer<ApplicationStartInfo>

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

activityManager = getSystemService(

applicationStartInfoCompletionListener = Consumer {
Log.i("reason", it.reason.toString())
Log.i("state", it.startupState.toString())
Log.i("type", it.startType.toString())
Log.i("launchMode", it.launchMode.toString())
Log.i("startupTimestamps", it.startupTimestamps.toString())
Log.i("wasForceStopped", it.wasForceStopped().toString())


setContent {
AndroidNotebookTheme {
// A surface container using the 'background' color from the theme
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.background
) {
Text("Hello Android Notebook!")

override fun onDestroy() {
